I want a shirt that just says "f*** you" on it, and I want to wear it while walking through airports all day. There's no such thing as a bad word, just bad intentions.
Don't know if any of these have been posted before since I don't feel like reading through 48 pages of text this late/early in the middle of the week so I'll just post what I got:
"And to think you're the result of millions of years of evolution..."
Love this one. It's funny. Probably originates from the internets.
"Tactics is knowing what to do when there is something to do; strategy is knowing what to do when there is nothing to do." ~Savielly Tartakower
This one is pure awesome.
21:02:44 [~Jacob] If the South gets in a war with the North this week
21:02:45 [~Jacob] I am enlisting
21:02:51 [~Jacob] we must preserve this culture
21:03:06 [~Jacob] No one quote me on enlisting in the army
"If at first you don't succeed, cheat, repeat until caught, and then lie!"
--quoted in 0 to Bitch in 10 Seconds Or Less : Quips and Comebacks for Quick-Witted Women (2005) by Amy Hatch, p. 268
Sisami says (4:22 PM):
I'm not going to fucking ask google if some Mexican dude that masturbates to Japanese animay ladies eats ChamuCas or not.
Sisami says (4:23 PM):
Google doesn't need to suffer any more.
What with the millions and millions of searches for "midget fucking horse" porn.