(>'.')>¿;= wrote...
well in all honesty penguin, without a country pertaining to dominance over the rest of the world somebody else would just try and take the empty position. were a savage species even now, depending on more then trust and word of mouth to believe we have control. its an unsteady tipping scale of justice and ascendance, but its necessary for the world to turn round.
as for canada, we fucking rock. if youve never been to the west edmonton mall before(aka biggest in the world) its certainly a sight to see, more entertainment in there then wonderland. and as similar as we are to the states waar i dont like being compared to them... please dont do that again lol
Uh....you don't like being compared to things eh? Well then sir, in comparison to chuu you are not a pedo!
In all honesty I'm getting a little sick of this american bashing thing. It's not like everyone in this country has the same ideas on things or we think that everything our government does is correct or that we actively have any control over what it does. Just like everyone else everywhere we just live here and like a few places we get some say in what our government does but not a whole lot. So the next time I hear someone say that they don't like americans or don't want to be compared to americans or whatever I'm just going to assume you mean you don't want to be anything like people who can think for themselves (even if many of us choose not to).