Waar wrote...
still... Americans hate taxes, and the hike you would see to initiate a program like socialized health care plus the resistance you would see from your medicare providers... it probably wont happen soon.
Yeah I'm sure that once Obama starts trying to change the system, all the private organizations will start using all that cash they have to try and scare everyone into thinking that changing the medicare system is bad. The best way to control a country is to put fear into them and keep them uneducated right? Otherwise we'd be like countries in Europe where the people actually go into the streets to fight for w/e they want, not sure if Canada also does things like that.
PersonDude wrote...
I've been to Canada a couple times. It's cool. Temperature wise too...
Really? Though I've never been to Canada I can only assume that since its farther north that it would be colder? Perhaps its only in certain parts of Canada.