biglw17 wrote...
i love icp I'm not a major fan but definitely fan enough that i don't like what dante said, no i don't like the fact that he hates the band so whole heartily because of some kids he saw in high school...that annoyed me.
listen I'm the type of guy that if i don't like some type of music I'm gonna say yea i don't like it but i still respect it I'm not gonna knock it down for some stupid reason like that...idk maybe I'm just weird
edit:lol 1 day i realized that i can sing the entire song of halls of illusions...
I don't see what's wrong with holding no respoect for people you don't like. I don't disrespect you for listening or even liking them, but if you cross the line to fanatic, you will suck. It's a fact, anyone who would consider themselves a "Juggalo" sucks. Now, maybe it's not the band's fault, but it probably is.
But you probably aren't wierd, I think most people probably have some reserve about that sort of a thing. People don't usually want to be seen as dicks.
I figure it's better to be honest, even if people think you are a dick.