biglw17 wrote...
Dante1214 wrote...
I don't see what's wrong with holding no respoect for people you don't like. I don't disrespect you for listening or even liking them, but if you cross the line to fanatic, you will suck. It's a fact, anyone who would consider themselves a "Juggalo" sucks. Now, maybe it's not the band's fault, but it probably is.
But you probably aren't wierd, I think most people probably have some reserve about that sort of a thing. People don't usually want to be seen as dicks.
I figure it's better to be honest, even if people think you are a dick.
yes i like the fact that u don't care if ur called a dick so long as ur telling the truth i like that fact in a person(i do the same thing)
I'm just saying i think u should hate the "juggalo's" and not the band(what i mean is u can still not like them but don't act that way towards them cuz of some douches, it wasn't the bands fault that they did that, its like mothers blaming the music for the way their kids are acting)
So your saying that if this band never existed, these kids would find something else to be cunts about, because they were going to be cunts anyway?
You may be right. Maybe this music just gave them a direction for their duchery.
But ShaggyJebus has a point too, they seem to be the kind of band that has the attitude of "fuck everybody" which is all fine and good if you like their music, but if you don't, then they also seem like cunts.
I don't know if it's fair or not to judge someone based on their music without even meeting them as a person, but there has to be a certain level of personal input into your art. Although, it's not like death metal bands are all worshiping satan and killing people. Some of them probably go to church.
So, assumably, music is a type of art were you can take one aspect frmo your personality and magnify it a thousand times to create a persona that isn't really you.
With that in mind, while I still think their music is terrible, and the extreme fans are complete duches and wastes of air, I will reserve jugement on these two guys themselves as I have never met them.
But they probably suck.