Granth wrote...
Azuran wrote...
No, they become like that because they're weak individuals that fail at life and need to resort to fictional worlds so they can feel some sort of accomplishment in their sad, pathetic lifes. Most of them are tools that are biased, self-important idiots who desperately crave the attention and recognition on the internet that they can't get in the real world. Ever. They are consumate losers and their entire life can be summed up in two words: Epic Fail.
That's a huge generalization, do you honestly believe that every single one of them are self-important idiots who crave attention on the internet? Sounds like another typical stereotype to me.
The only reason why these people are looked down upon is because they're not living the way societies standards have set, not that they're harming anyone with it. They're just not living like it should described in the big picture of society, which seemingly automatically makes a you a failure and a loser without another thought. I don't to see why I anyone should let others decide how you live, as long as you don't harm any others in your own way of living then I fail to see what's so bad about it. We already go through out most of our lives doing what society wants us to, if one isn't even allowed to live the lifestyle he/she wants then I don't know what's sadder. Them or the close mindedness of society. But I don't expect you to agree on this after all.
Japan is a heavily conformist culture. That is why they lock themselves up in there rooms. People do that here in the West as well, just not NEARLY as badly. In Japan, having the wrong haircut doesn't result in standard ripping, but full blown social destruction.
I hate saying this Azuran, but its been proven when these people move out of Japan, they for the most part become successful normal people. That is saying something. The problem IS with Japan (for maybe about half of them) not with them. I'm sorry I disagree with you on this because besides me, you seem to be the only on this hentai site that hates hentai (sarcasm). Seriously though, why do we come on here.
Also, Japan is becoming a Cyber-Punk country. Think of this for a bit, those of you who have real jobs. How many of you work at your computer at work, and can do it home once or twice a week? Do you think, if your company was willing to reorganize and pay out the whazzo that all of you could work from home.
In Japan its worse. Here in the West, America, England, France, ect. We sorta expect it, and are in a much subtler denial. Japan is in a frantic denial about it. Not only don't you not need to live in the real world, for some of us in the next 50 will be a hassle. For the first time, mankind has created a functional 3-D world that isn't suicidal to retreat into and might end up replacing this one.
Think about for a few minutes. At first it sounds cool right? Now think of it a bit longer. It's a nightmare, worthy of Lovecraft. The current generation (most of us anyone) won't be able to survive in that Brave New World coming, even more won't want to.
My name is MIB. Yes, it is my internet screen name. Pretty soon, everyone will a internet screen name. I'll never give out my screen name of course on the internet, unless I'm on the internet. (Ten bucks for the person who guesses where I ripped this off from)
Quick question to you, do you think really think Azuran, that anime is to blame? Not critizing you on that opinion, just want to know how to respond.