illumi wrote...
IB - Nonsense, 1 word posts, picture posts
Random - Some seriousness, but has room for humor and et cetera
SD - Strict discussion
This is how I see it. Generally, I don't go IB, because I have no expectations for IB. Meaning to intelligent posts, no common sense, and no restrictions. Whereas random has a set of "golden rules" where people post somewhat logically questions, expecting either: 1. A humorous post, 2. Serious Response, 3. Something relating to the topic.
I also avoid serious discussion quite often. I'm just a random kinda of guy.
Also, shit wouldn't get sent to IB if wannabe mods weren't like "LOLZ, WRONG FORUM, SHOULD BE IN IB."
I generally post anything in Random, like the name says. I also highly doubt the actual mods would care about a topic as long as it stayed on topic.
^Someone with my exact view on the issue of what Random, IB and SD are.
IB- Useless babbling, youtube videos, one liner threads, and crap
Random- Threads with potential to be taken seriously (to whatever extent, not so crappy)
Serious Discussion- Threads that are meant to be taken seriously and have a lot more substance than threads in IB and more substance than threads in random.