The old thread is too much page, So I'll post them in the old thread,I fixed this , U can see all of my work from at first to the latest !!Hope u guy will like them !! Ruuuuuuuuuuu.......
Mibuchiha's request : Silfa
Sorrow BloodMist's request : Sasara Kusugawa
Jonoe's request: Nanako Azusa
My own : Silfa and Milfa
Zeriam's request: Horo
Mr.Bushido's request : Kotomi Ichinose
Shinichi Miyamoto's request: his waifus
Katsucha's birthday: Hinagiku Katsura
Somesome's request: Touka
Mibuchiha's request: Saber and Ilya
Hope u guy will like it !!
Here my DA account:
Something New :
Here is Kaien's request !! Mio Akiyama ! If she dye her hair into red, I swear I'll think she's Tamaki Kousaka ! Anyway, Hope u guy will like this : Ruuuuuuuuuuuu............
Here is Sorrow BloodMist's request ! It was a little late , Sorry,
Here Sakura Matou, I've fallen in love with beach and Bikini lately Ruuuuuuuu..........