biglw17 wrote...
lol im joining the club not being horny enough
but a story huh...
ok i got 1 that happened friday
it was 1 o'clock in the morning i was walking home from a friends house
and i was on the sidewalk and i walk off with my left foot(on the right side of the street)and ii hit a pothole and the bottom of my foot was facing my right foot and i felt about 4/5 bones crack and i limped around for about 5 secs then finally fell on the ground(it was raining all day so it was still wet)i laid on the floor for 5 mins until i got up and went to the store(i was fucking starving so i bought a snickers(candy) and a top pop(brand of cheap soda))and i limped home usually it takes me 10/15 mins to walk home from there but that time it took me a half an hour including my umbrella(used it as a cane) and the rest is the next day i went to the hospital and they said i sprained it and ill be fine or w/e..but i still have to use a cane when i walk and i limp pretty badly around the house..the real that suks is that i cant go outside cuz like i said i can barely walk =[
so hows that for a story
not a bad start. give me a couple more just like it and we might have ourselves an interesting thread.