gibbous wrote...
Bleh, cursing. Not A Turn-Onâ„¢ at all. But clichéd "dirty talk" is even worse.
One of the reasons run-o'-the-mill porn just plain tires me.
"Who's your daddy?" - "
XD Actually you can just say 'oh god' in Dutch. It's just pronounced a little different.
But it's not nearly as amusing as "Godallemachtig!" or "Oh godverdomme! PRACHTIG!". Sorry.
Well, I don't even know how some languages can even say sweet things to each other.
Ich liebe dich does not sound very romantic whatsoever.
German has to be one of the least romantic languages ever. Right up there with Arabic and Spanish. When does "GOTT IM HIMMEL, sie haben uns angegriffen!" ever sound romantic? Well, when you're riding on a giant beer keg, swinging tankards bursting with ale all day, I suppose.
Actually I have to disagree with you on the spanish thing. Depends what dialect of spanish. I don't find Mexican very nice, but Mexican contains a lot of Native American in it too.
People in Wal-Mart who speak spanish can go die. They're always loud, obnoxious, and.. just loud.
My ex, his family was spanish and their family showed me how attractive the language can be spoken.. and not yelled. I loved listening to my ex speak spanish with his family
"Mi Amor" is many times more attractive than German.