kickiluxxx wrote...
The part where you see the hand, I like. The part where you get two damage, I don't. I really think that that 2 damage is just too much, mostly because if you happen to only have Reanimate in your hand and you reanimated Jin or something, that would be a whooping 10 damage, add 2 and you end up with 8. Still, I can see your point. It's a ccccccombo breaker!
A) Don't run 4 thoughsieze, you never do that, run a split between it and duress, you lose less life, diversify your discard spells, and spend less money :)
B) Thoughtsieze becomes better the less spots you have to devote to discard, I used to play
pox (in short mono-black control) in legacy for a bit, a deck with heavy black and lots of room for discard (12 spots of the deck do just that), thoughtseize is underwhelming, you already going to hit what ever it is you want thoughtseize to hit, so there is no point (if 4 Duress, 4 inquisition and 4 Hymn to Tourach don't do it, thoughtseize won't either), in a combo deck/UBx control deck, thats when thoughsieze becomes stronger, Reanimator is essentially a combo deck, Thoughtsieze/Duress hits everything your scared of. I prefer Thoughtsieze (art is better I think), but maybe that's cause I have some :P.
C) joke, if I were to do a reanimator deck, I'd do something like:
3 Griselbrand
1 Jin-Gitaxias
1 Elesh Norn
1 Sphinx of the steel wind
1 Iona, Shield of Emeria
Usually those will do the trick, Griselbrand will always draw you seven cards, Jin-Gitaxias is good, but slow and doesn't protect itself quite as well as Griselbrand does, Elelsh Norn/Sphinx deal with aggro decks quite well and Iona..well uh yeah, there are decks that can't deal with her.
D) Would run more fetches, makes Brainstorm a lot better, as you can shuffle away cards you don't want and keep the cards you do. it's like playing Ancestral Recall
E) If you can get some, Force of Will is your friend, it allows you to tap out and counter a spell. Spell Pierce is also a good one as it helps you win counter wars.