sakabato24 wrote...
Legacy Merfolk? I can predict in the near future that True-Name Nemesis is going to be banned in Legacy. He's WAY too good of a card for Legacy, especially merfolks.
I'm running the Esper Commander now. Almost finished foiling/Promoing my Boros Commander deck, and I was looking into creating a new one, and this one is pretty broken. Sanguine Bond + Exquisite Blood + Upkeep w/ Commander = Infinite. Plenty of infinites to go around to with these colors.
I kinda doubt that. I was watching the Eternal Championship, and even though True-Name Nemesis certainly made a splash, it didn't seem as incredible as people made it out to be. Being an unstoppable threat is impressive, being three mana for three damage a turn, but any combo deck can kill you faster than a Nemesis can. And it still dies easily to the other new Commander card that seemed popular: Toxic Deluge.
Of course, these were in the Shardless BUG decks, making greedy cuts: shaving 2 Tarmogoyf and 2 Baleful Strix for 4 True-Name Nemesis. That doesn't sound like a good plan, slowing down the deck by shaving 2-drops for 3-drops, and also losing pretty good Cascade targets.
In Merfolk, it does indeed sound pretty broken. I didn't know that it was a Merfolk until a buddy at the card shop showed it to me. I remember my exact words: "It's a Merfolk, above all else!?" With so many lords, that guy is basically a Lava Axe each turn.
I'll be trying to use the card in BUG, as well, if I can ever get my hands on enough copies. I still think it's a great addition, but not with the cuts others made. They seem to go for around 40, according to the people around me. Steep, but I fear they'll only go higher, so I might as well try now.
The esper commander is funny. We're helping my friend whose getting back into Magic fix up the deck so it can stand up to our more powerful ones. He already enjoyed it beforehand, too.
In those colors, I kinda wanted to try that other Commander, too. The one that deals with artifacts (not Sharuum, I already have a Commander deck built around her). If nothing else, I wanna use her in my 99 in my Sharuum deck, since she'd work there, too.