tsuyoshiro wrote...
When it comes to melee combat, there is only one weapon that comes to mind. The bat'leth.

hey man... is that thing real? how do ya use it?
arnis sticks hurt like hell and you can gain the edge if the opponent delays for about 1-2 seconds and you can circlestrafe him with a rain of blows...
the dagger is part of the knife inclusion, but longer and slender. it was commonly used by units that didnt require close range fighting such as archers, siege machine operators and the spear wielders
hmm if you want to learn the katana, try finding a dojo that teaches kendo and any style of swordsmanship by the katana. im still learning how to fight with double blades like the twin kodachi because i was only taught how to use big blades like the nodachi which is quite heavy and hard at close quarters because you need room and a few milliseconds for a clean slash, be able to defend attacks up close and personal and to be cautious of the swords length, weight and feel