Magicalhentai wrote...
ShinZero wrote...
Ahem...Eggsecutor. I never understood it's...purpose. What is the point of that Pokemon?
Don't dis my psychic/grass!! I love that thing, it's purpose is to make me happy, by winning battles.
And its retarded face. That makes everyone smile...
Prowl wrote...
What about zubat or geodude? Those motherfuckers are everywhere in all the games! Fucking annoying running into them all the time!
Yes, they are as anoying as hell, which is their purpose. Someone said something about Zubat and Golbat being their most hated, ah well.
In any case, I'm a poke fan in a Poke hate topic, don't know why. Originally, I just wanted to say my thoughts on my most hated pokemon.
Honestly, Zubat pisses me off. The best thing about them is that evolved Golbat are better than wild ones. They're a bitch to train though and when you are training other Pokemon, they're everywhere and you get shit for experience when you beat them.
iownhell wrote...
all the new pokémon. period.
the first 151(yeye plus mewtoand shit) where fine by me but the new ones should all just burn in opinion, they had to keep the purity of the show.
I liked the second generation, you know from 152-251, but after that I started getting pissed.