Captain_Falcon wrote...
nightclock wrote...
the question I have is whether or not the convention was multiple days, or did your friend buy the hentai, go home and fap then come back on the same day? lol
It happened at the con hotel... all in the same day. He didn't even fap to it. -.-
Everyone was staying in the same room so I guess it's a good thing that he didn't...
Gambler wrote...
Friend A should have done some research before buying the hentai DVD which he did not enjoy. Like every other product on the market, research should be done before purchase for the consumer to enjoy utmost satisfaction.
EXACTLY. The list of hentais that I would actually be willing to purchase is very short.
@ Skyler
He is ignoring his senses at the time he is doing this and also being a person who likes hentai should have known wat u are buying, and from wat i have seen is tht he is just risking and guess buying his hentais, i have tht experience myself trust me, i use to be a noob at manga's, anime and hentai selection but as i fail and fail i learn more and get to know what is good and wat is for tricks, but i never flipped like he did , by going there yelling all around and the most dumbest thing is go telling everyone tht ur gonna steal, and to steal means taking thing unnoticed and he certainly fail at tht, so he basically fail at his own senses, fail at anime and fail being tht resorted to the dark side of him and get arrested for being stupid.... sounds logical to you ?