cayena89 wrote...
It might not be that much of a deal, it could simply be stress, or like if you eat something you can't handle your stomach gets all fucked up and you don't digest the right way and then when you go to the bathroom your own food may cut you abit up as you force it up.....
Yeah, blood in your stool is never good, but you can't automatically assume that you have rectal cancer because of a few drops. That is, if it is a few drops. If there's just as much blood as there is shit, you might be in trouble.
I only say this because you say you have money problems. I know what that's like. No money for insurance, and no money to go to the doctor. It's a bitch. If I were you, I'd watch what I eat, save up some money for a possible visit to the doctor, and do some digging for info online. Try medical sites that seem trustworthy, but don't try to diagnose yourself; just get ideas for what could be the cause and see if it's possible to change your lifestyle to make yourself better. Shit, it could be a small anal tear that results in a little blood (maybe caused by some recent diarrhea), and that sort of thing will heal by itself. But if it persists, or if there is a large amount of blood, you should see a doctor.