swordmanXIII wrote...
okay heres my question why do you think some pokemon need to be traded to evolve? it's just a hassle because I don't have many freinds who play the games and I don't have two DS's so why must the game toruture me like that?!
and in the anime they never say any thing about tradeing to evolve why's that (in the manga they do)well mabye a few times and the anime never get's evolution right like evoleing during a battle and evolve in at levels that they don't evole at I mean shouldnt some of ashs pokemon at least tried to evolve by now.
I just find that wired
so whatcha think
The manga tends to stay more loyal to the game than the anime. The anime's mechanics are basically screwed up. All of the Pokemon in it know more than 4 moves (maximum amount), and the movesets are totally screwed and irrelevant to the level. The anime just doesn't make any sense if you compare it to the games so it's better to leave it.
And as for why a Pokemon must trade to evolve, I think it's just to encourage Pokemon players to interact with other people. There's the GTS in Pokemon D/P so there shouldn't be that much hassle anyway. Just go online and do the stuff.