Harmonian wrote...
Well every night at around 12pm this weird anime makes the weirdest call... It sounds like... Nothing you've ever heard before. Jello slapping against jello and like a little wee whoo wee whoo. It sounds bizzare and what I just said was not an overstatement. Thats what it sounds like. I live near a lake and very deep mountainous woods. What could it be? Scares the shit outta me (seriously I had gas when it made its call) and my dog reacts to it (freaks out)
hmm..thats really really intresting i mean seriously i probably would say something stupid right now like it may be a hentai tentacle monster lol but nah i think u should just ignore it.. its probably just a mixture of common day sounds animals and weather (wind) and trees u should worry lol unless it is a tentacle monster >.> i would worry
going to bed now night all