This past Saturday, God decided to fuck with me and my friends. One of my friends was moving from the beach up to College Park, Maryland to go get another degree at Univ of Md. So we all pack up a moving truck, his car, his boyfriend's car and my car with his shit, to fit in a tiny ass studio apartment across from the damned school. This drive was supposed to take four hours, give or take, since we had to stop to eat along the way. God didn't even wait for us to get on the bloody interstate before he fucked with me. While stopping to get gas, I realize, I don't have my fucking license, fuck! So I had to drive twenty minutes back home, while they went on ahead, they got caught in a six mile back up before the damned tunnel, warning me, I was able to go an alternate route which caught me up with them, they would be about twenty minutes ahead of me, but wouldn't you know, God struck again, TRAFFIC!! another six mile back up, so I get off on one exit like they did before to go around the traffic, I'm still behind them, hell we all lose each other! Getting back on the interstate, I'm still crawling, not being able to go the speed limit, for another six miles, then freedom at last!! Hoping on to 295, and hoping right back off to meet up my friends at a Hardees no less, yuck! As I enjoy free food, that took forever to get to me (fast food my ass) we hop back on to 295 with sooth sailing, God apparently was nice to us for the first time that day, but then he decided that was enough and BAM, we hit traffic on 95, THE ENTIRE TIME!!! It would be traffic, then weeeee, then traffic, then weeeee, then traffic, then weeeee!!! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!! At one point, while stuck, my friend yells out the window to me, MOSHI!!! (as that is my nickname, Moshi. You say moshi moshi on the cell once and it sticks, I am also called Moshiro because I was a hero, hahaha) Then TomTom in the voice of John Cleese, tells us to hop on the hov lane, and I thought finally, God decided to end his little joke, but GODDAMNIT!! TRAFFIC AGAIN!!! Once we got off the damned HOV and hopped on to the exit for 395 (i believe) God thought we had enough and let us go, but it would take us another 45 minutes to get where we were going, fucking hell! Two hours of unloading and pizza and target run, I finally left Scott's new place, with my friend Mary in tow, and made the four hour trip back home. IT TOOK US SEVEN FUCKING HOURS TO GET FROM VA BEACH TO DC, WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS UP WITH THAT!!! I'm never driving in the day again, God likes to fuck with day drivers!