ImperialX wrote...
Tamajin wrote...
To be honest, I thought this year's event was pretty shitty and a letdown for more that just a few people. Seeing as how you quoted Engadget, did you read the comments as well? Lots of dissatisfied people there.
Whenever Apple does anything, people start trolling everywhere outside of Apple communities. This is easily said for Engadget - go to any Apple-related articles, and you'll always see the number of negative comments vastly outnumber the positive. Apple is actually one of the most underrated companies on the Internet.
Yeah, just because it's negative it's trolling, right? If you take the time to read them, many of them ha e valid points. Apple being underrated on the Internet isn't much of a surprise, people that actually discuss things on the internet would at least be thinking about what they're buying.
ImperialX wrote...
Tamajin wrote...
Also, for crikes sake, improve the music quality of the ipod touch already. It's not the headphones fault, the touch's output quality really isn't up to par and is almost as bad as it was when it first came out. No matter how great your earphones are, if the source sucks, the sound sucks. Apple really needs to step its game up, more than a few companies (eg. Sony, Microsoft, Sandisk, Creative, etc.) have great alternatives to an ipod. Imho, Apple is just riding on its popularity now rather than actual product quality. The mast majority people seem to have only heard of an ipod nowadays. Point is, people should learn to compare and decide what's best for themselves instead of just following the crowd.
Well, I'm not an audiophile, but I do agree the rubbish earplugs do hide any type of distortion with the music if there are any. Since 80% of iPod users use these earplugs, it's not surprising that no one has mentioned anything about the source being bad,
IF they are bad, that is.
As I stated, I use a pair of Sennheiser HD205s and I honestly can't hear anything wrong with the music coming out of my iPhone/iPod nano 3G. The people
here can't seem to hear anything wrong with the iTouch either. Everyone has different ears, but what I'm trying to say is, I don't think I see a lot of (or even a little amount of) people who agree with your statement regarding sound quality.
Of course, if you truly can hear something wrong with the iPods, then get a Zune or a Creative Zen like you said. It's not like you're not allowed to do that. People are free to get whatever they want, and clearly iPods are favorites of the vast majority.
No seriously, just do a quick google search and you'll find plenty of things about it being bad if you don't believe me. One site with 20 people don't equal a majority. And even from the site that you linked me to, in the first post, there's a ipod sound quality measurement that confirms that ipod sound isn't up to par with the competition. Btw, I do plan to get a Zune in the coming months. I'm long tired of my nano 2g, and I actually do hear a difference in sound quality when using the same headphones on my computer (a pair of sennheiser's albeit being a sport version).
Just because it's a favorite doesn't mean it's the best product out there. That's something I'm sure you'd say about Windows being the "favorite of the mast majority" as well. Apple being the market leader in the pmp area doesn't mean that they can just do whatever the hell they want and get away with it. The competition is making better products than them, but Apple is content to ride on their popularity instead of competing to give consumers the best choice for their money.
ImperialX wrote...
Tamajin wrote...
And honestly, has anyone ever considered an ipod touch when buying a handheld console? Btw, popularity =/= quality.
Don't you think you're being biased since it's only been 2 days since Apple properly introduced an iTouch that they advertise as a proper gaming console? It's still such a premature platform, you can't go comparing it to the NDS or the PSP right now. You need to give it time. Mark my words, it will flourish.
In the meantime, I'm back to my NDS to play Scribblenauts. :D
No, I don't think I'm being biased, just making an observation. Pretty sure you didn't notice, but the 8gb ipod touch isn't updated according to Apple themselves -- just check the store. If they're selling it alongside the newer versions advertised as "a great gaming machine," I assume that it's considered a gaming console as well, unless Apple is just bullshitting us. And according to Apple, premature console my ass, they think it's full fledged if they're going to post that ridiculous graph of the amount of games on the three devices. Hell you even posted that picture yourself.
I for one can't imagine playing better games that involve my thumbs blocking a third of the screen because I have to control it and the accelerometer, although nice, has flaws that prevent it from being a good portable console (eg. no zero point setting, tilting to control many games will wear off after a bit).
Honestly from all your posts about Apple, you're essentially a loyal follower that just accepts whatever bs they give you and justify it with absurd and/or flawed reasoning.