Tsurayu wrote...
Haha, nice didn't notice that. I negated it. I hope whoever did it doesn't actually like O'Reilly or they need to like leave NOW! <.<
Something wrong with liking O'reilly? Before you even think about it, I didn't -rep tegumi.
On the topic at hand I don't watch the daily show. I've tried in the past to watch it or the Colbert report and didn't find them funny and was rather annoyed at how people took such biased crap as actual news. I've had people come up to me repeating the gibberish they heard on either show and touting it like legit journalism despite the fact the "facts" they heard were wrong.
I get my news from what I consider legitimate media such as Fox news, CNN Headline News, N.P.R., W.S.B 750, and various newspapers (Atlanta Journal) or online articles.