Rbz wrote...
Christianity is all over the fucking place. If it's so popular they must be doing something right. It's not like what they believe or what their source tells them is bullshit or anything like that, how the fuck could that be. Because when many people believe in it, that makes it sooooo fucking credible. There's no way that billions of people could just be stupid.
Christianity was spread at the point of a sword and later a gun. Then deeply rooted into society and taught everyday as truth everyday for the last 2,000 years. This verses a t.v channel that you have to want to watch. Not much of a comparison there.
With MSNBC being as biased as it is and the station losing ratings like a burning plane loses altitude then maybe Fox News isn't as bad as people claim it to be.
Plus, I feel like I'm the only person who actually watches Fox News and criticizes it for the actual flaws instead of hoping on the "Fox news sux" bandwagon.
Edit: As for O'reilly I take his show with a grain of salt. He has his flaws but, his heart is in the right place. He was instrumental in helping "Jessica's law" get passed and he consistently demands that public figures be held accountable. Especially those who are judges when O'reilly demanded a judge be held responsible for giving a sentence of 90 days in jail to a man who sexually abused his daughter from the age of 4 to 8 9don't quote me on the age but, it was for a prolonged period of time). Another example is when he criticized Al Sharpton for his statements about Micheal Jackson like he was a Civil Rights activist like Dr. King.