Gravity cat wrote...
Made yet another character on Dragonball Xenoverse.
I went through a few before finally settling on one, which was a male Majin. But I got sick of the sight of it, deleted it and went for a female majin, which I named "Wyefuu"
Misspelling of "Waifu", with a side reference to Majin Buu with the two u's
Had to grind to get it back to the level the male Majin was, since I haven't unlocked the extra slots yet (which you apparently get for beating the storyline). And apparently story mission progress and items you own are account-bound, not character-bound.
She is now level 43. Not bad for 2 game sessions. Blasted through the Cell and Buu sagas. Struggling with the fight with Whis and Beerus at the moment. Barely managed to take Beerus down, but Whis was practically at full health and I'd used my Healing Capsules. Time to grind the Buu missions a bit more.
Also, at work I got told that I'm one of the few who works for my money. Not entirely true since the others do as well, but it made me feel good that the effort I make is getting noticed. I get bored if I don't find myself shit to do. Usually I just end up tidying up or repricing things I notice are the wrong price when people buy stuff.