Raparperi wrote...
Because I woke up earlier than usually on sunday (thats yesterday, but I count it as today because I havent slept to monday yet) I thought I could finally start getting my sleep schedule better and was actually motivated to do it because of today. Then at 04:00AM I went to bed and like 5 minutes after that my dog started walking in circles. Then I knew he has a fucking exploding diarrhea and I had fucking had to get out of bed, put loads of clothes on because of cold winter night and take him outside so he can diarrhea all over everywhere. Then he diarrheaed some on himself too and I had to take him to the fucking shower. Now that fucker is so fucking happy I feel like throwing him down from my balcony. And now its 05:20AM and I'm still so fucking pissed off it will probably take me at least 1 hour to fall asleep, most likely even more.
And now I need to remind myself of something every hour for the rest of my life: Rapa, dont fucking try anything EVER. Just dont do it, because if you dont fail it yourself, someone or something else will do it for you.
It just gets better. The dog kept me awake for almost the whole night with his diarrhea and when I did fall asleep he decided to do it inside and just a while ago I finished cleaning that stuff from my hallway.