Should relationship be based on lust?
This question is confusing.
If you're asking how I feel about one-night stands, I'm all for them. Sex feels good. Just take the proper precautions.
If you're asking if I think that a relationship should be based solely on lust, I'm gonna have to disagree. Relationships that only involve sex or a sexual attraction are bound to fail, and there's no point in staying in a doomed relationship. (Unless she's paying for your rent or food or something, but in that case, you're not in a relationship; you're just using somebody.)
As for fuck buddies, friends with benefits, those sorts of things, they're bad. Not immoral or anything, just a great way to cause trouble. When you have a one-night stand, it's a one-time thing. Neither party has any intention of doing it again, nor any hope of doing it again. But when you have a fuck buddy, it's sex that happens repeatedly. One person will probably get attached to the other, and that will either lead to a dysfunctional relationship or a person in tears repeatedly saying, "Why doesn't he/she love me?"
One last thing:
i3ear wrote...
The idea that one night stands are evil is based off of one assumption: "Women hate sex"
What? Where does this come from?
One-night stands are seen as bad because it's casual sex, usually with a stranger. It irks people who see sex as an expression of love to see it used solely for physical pleasure. I have never, ever, in my life heard of the theory that one-night stands are bad because women hate sex. It sounds like some weird feminist shit that a woman who's never had a one-night stand came up with.