Vasuki wrote...
I love both of my parents, but they're practically polar opposites. My dad was a bit of a philanderer, I have 2 half-brothers, both of which are each others half-brothers. That's right, my dad fathered children with 3 different women. My current step-mom is his 3rd or 4th marriage, not really sure. So when I was 10 he got nailed cheating and he and my mom got divorced. He was pretty stern with me as a kid, but now that I'm older I'm glad for it, and these days we joke around a lot and get along pretty well, even though we don't see each other very often. We're also capable of communicating about hot women in a room using nothing but suggestive eyebrow movements.
My mom... she's boring. She works, she goes to family functions, she watches tv. I love her, but sometimes I worry that she's wasting her life. Her boyfriend of 7-8 years now is a complete tool, dumb as a sack of bricks and thinks flatulence is the highest form of humor. She's loosening up in her old age, so that's something, but ANY time I was ever grounded as a kid was because she found evidence of my porn/hentai viewing. Told me if I didn't stop I'd end up a freakish pervert that no one would ever love. :D
My parents just got divorced because my mom was "suposedly cheating with smeone,and I was like dad you haven't?He has like 9 kids andd says she's the whore.