I'm not on particularly good terms with my mother, but I never was my whole life. She is just the complete opposite of me. She's extremely Conservative, right-winged winged, "old time" Friends church member. She is a woman who wouldn't know fun if it came up and slapped her across the face. In particular that made her a very difficult woman to grow up with and I came to resent her from a very young age. I think I mentioned this in a thread somewhere before, but when my parents divorced when I was seventeen I was extremely happy. It meant I never had to deal with her again, or rather if I did it was on my terms. As it is now I see her maybe once or twice every month or two, and that is only to fix her computer and grab a bite to eat.
My father on the other hand I've had a better relationship with. He and I have many things in common. He's not religious, and he doesn't believe in religious morals getting in the way of just being who you are, so he's very accepting of everything I chose to do, which was the exact opposite of my mother. He knows I watch anime, hentai, play video games all the time and he's okay with it. Plus both of us are the tech saavy members of our family (most of my family is the very definition of computer illiterate.)
So yeah. Mother not good, Father good. *shrugs*