ragakitty wrote...
Eshi understands the matter of how people think, just makes meh extremely angry to even reference such behavior as a human. Meeeeerrr... Ish Eshi the only one who'd pull out her pocket blade behind her, step quick, bash the guy with mine bag et stab him if he tried to attack meh? Seriously, don't understand why people seem to want a society, buh don't defend their people! Myeh...
That's very altruistic of you. Like I said before, I like to think I would help, but you can't know till the time comes. However, the odds of me helping go up if the victim is female or a child. Otherwise, in this nutty world we live in, how do we know the guy with the hammer isn't getting revenge on the guy he's hammering, because he raped his sister or something. Yes, ideally everyone would help and separate the attacker and victim and let the law sort it out, but we live in a less than ideal world =(. Too many variables!