I'll give it a 10/10, just for the twist of the story and the message it gives. It indirectly puns "Wrong Turn" and shows how stupid are the supposedly "good guys" are to have themselves killed.
I'll give it a 10/10, just for the twist of the story and the message it gives. It indirectly puns "Wrong Turn" and shows how stupid are the supposedly "good guys" are to have themselves killed.
LOL i thought this movie gonna suck
in fact it was one of the best movie i've ever seen
where gore turned into great comedy
Anyway i just watched
A separation
second best in 2011 i watched
Two great crime/comedies from director Guy Ritchie. Both are worth watching if you like deep plots and funny, but well-written, dialogue. The latter is especially amusing due to Brad Pitt's role as a mush-mouthed gypsy boxer whose accent gets so thick that even his own subtitles can't tell what he said a few times in the movie.
I saw the Green Lantern from Red Box a few days ago. it was so-so. probably a 5.5/10. The effects were cool, but I thought the suit looked a little too CG and the plot just too farfetched.
On-topic: OOO, Den-O, Lets go Kamen Riders 9/10. The only thing keeping it from a full 10/10 score is that aside from Den-O they didn't get any other alumni riders. Though they did include some of Ishinomori-san's other works so that was cool of them.
Its an old horror movie that had a low budget and it relied on a creepy atmosphere, gruesome decapitations, and excessive amounts of bloodshed to scare the audience. This movie is insane and anything goes in this movie. There's even one scene where a girl gets raped by a tree. Its really fucked up, but it leaves you satisfied as hell.
Scream 4- 7/10...fairly ok way to end the series, the twist caught me though, did not expect that person to be the killer. definitely a watch if you've seen the first three.