Zandorf wrote...
sealost wrote...
That's sort of what I thought about fapping before. But fapping with your hand alone can get tedious at times. Getting a fleshlight actually felt much better and the orgasms enhanced at times. So nowadays I fap (mostly with a toy) for the pleasure of the entire session. Not simply to reach orgasm, which is what hand-fapping is all about; going for the orgasm which is the only source of pleasure in fapping with the hand alone.
Never thought about it that way. Hm. I have looked into sex toys before, but never thought too much on them (I guess I have to recant my last statement a bit, but it wasn't too far from the truth). Only because I didn't have the money for them, didn't know what types to get (as no one in my family has ever done it before, so I can't ask), and didn't have a place to hide them if I did get one.
Got my first one last year when I was 20 simply because I was curious and bored of the usual hand. Today I own 2 different ones, and a P-vib and I keep them in my drawer which has a lock. People in my family never tend to snoop around in others stuff, but I've got friends who go through most of my stuff. Not that I got much to hide, but things I do hide I keep under a lock. Anyhow, if you're interested in trying something I'd strongly recommend the Fleshlight STU.
Its formed in small humps, ideally to resemble a real vagoo as much as possible, well probably not that much, but at least to retain as much of the feeling as possible. Personally, I would suggest staying away from Tenga products if you're new to this stuff. They tend to exaggerate a bit in most of their products so that feel isn't as natural as with other simpler sex toys.
But if you have some money left, or plan on investing on something, I would strongly recommend the Fleshlight Stamina Training Unit.
If hiding is the top of your concern, there are FLs in discrete packages resembling beer cans etc. But either way, it shouldnt be too hard to hide one if needed. Sometimes I even keep mine in a little brown box, and nobody seems to take any interest to it.