winter55 wrote...
FreeOtakuGhost36 wrote...
winter55 wrote...
FreeOtakuGhost36 wrote...
winter55 wrote...
FreeOtakuGhost36 wrote...
what i did when i was really bored and have huge itch for wanting to build a gunpla.
probably gonna finish it next year.
how old is that kit? from the looks of it, it looks like you haven't touched it in ages.
actually,i bought it in march when i was having a great craving to build a gunpla.
only did it 3 nights with minimum can spray,liner and weathering effects.
looks fucking old... ._.
like i said,minimum.
not much but at least i've healed my craze that day.
when are you gonna finish it? also, the other gunplas?
that thing.....maybe when i'm back next year for my friend's wedding.
i'll be the best men with weird looking left hand colored and wearing a gas mask or
for the other,i'm gonna finish the unfinished.
from Clear 00 Qan[T],then between Hi Zack or FA UC.