the glory star wrote...
FreeOtakuGhost36 wrote...
some random pics of my gunpla's
i doubt any of you knows what's the name of that figurine or from what
Well, I do. It's MMZ-01 Moe-Moe Zuukyuun from Akibarangers, voiced by Hakase ^_^ You should get the 3 rangers in SH figuarts, as well as the Itassher.
And damn, I loved that show soooo much even though I'm not into Sentai. A single episode never failed to make me laugh XD
planning to do that and i'm actually prefer the chibi ver than SH figuarts.
i've been telling people/other users to watch it because it's so damn good but no one listens to me.i too not into sentai but because it's a sentai,they just let it pass.
they sure missing much all of the lols and 4th wall jokes in the series.