Dog not eating dog food = great, saves you guys money. Our dog(s) never got dogfood either, they got whatever leftovers from the table weren't considered edible for humans anymore. Yay for growing up on a farm; teaches those canines some fucking respect.
The guy whining about being remote from civilization = great, all the more reason for him to shape up or get the fuck out again ASAP.
The guy being a vegan = great, keep cooking up a strictly carnivorous diet, all the more reason for him to shape up or get the fuck out again ASAP.
The guy wanting to be a hairdresser = great, then he can run his mouth at his helpless customers 24/7 and won't bother you anymore.
They have been burning crosses in my yard twice a year.
lolwut. Wasn't WA supposed NOT to be the High Road of the K.K.K.?
Although, I know a gal whose father is a Klansman and he lives in Frisco, so I guess anything is possible.