Well, I dunno. Either it was a very, very, scarily elaborate April Fools joke, or a actual corpse. I'm actually hoping for the former, because the damn thing was odd.
Found it while heading out for a jog maybe an hour before sundown. Corpse was on it's side in the middle of the sidewalk. I had classes on Forensics back in High School, so I pulled on my gloves and stopped to take a look.
Cat was stiff with rigor mortis. Still enough that I could not close it's eyes with a gloved hand. Mouth was very bloody, but I could not work the jaw open to see why. No external wounds, but the mouth was covered in blood, and some had trickled down to the right forepaw. No apparent internal trauma, and from where it was lying, I doubt it was run over. Hit by a bike, at the most. Or ate some glass in a suicide attempt. Or something.
The odd thing was, aside from the unwounded except for a bloody mouth body, and the fact it was lying on the sidewalk, was the fact that it seemed to not have been in place very long, but was stiff. Also, it's eyes did not seem to register shock, surprise, or even pain. Ir had one eye open, and one half closed. Best I could make of it's expression is the equivalent of the "What the fuck...?" horror movie reaction, right before something cuts you in half.
Anyway, to stop rambling, anyone have any medical experience above basic High School Biology/Forensics? Am I missing something to explain how the damn thing seemed to have died before it noticed it?
Damn, I must admit that I did get a somewhat chuckle out of the title of the thread before opening it.
I have no medical skills whatsoever, but I can say with some common sense that it could have been hit with a bike, like you mentioned. :(
Freaky feline fatalities, banned members still present.
A creepy day on orange Fakku.
BTW - if it weren't for the facial expression, I'd say it smoked too much and died of lung cancer. Common occurrence these days. Should have dissected it ...
maybe he is a schizo and killed the cat then placed it there because his first mind knows that his second mind would jog there by tomorrow...having gloves with him.....it all makes sense now.