Angelus Lapsus wrote...
I just love it how you guys fly off the handle and make assumptions, and twist things people say to suit you better. I never said that I am an art critic, I have been to 3 maybe four different Art museums in my life two of which where modern art, I was an Art major in High school, I've taken art History classes, But that is beside the point, What the point is. What I have said about modern art is my opinion. What someone says about a piece of art is there opinion, it is not a stone cold fact.
As for my opinion if you want real art, look at Gothic Architecture, IMO that is art, not some random lines across a canvas that someone painted, that looks like something I did in preschool. Everyone has there own taste of what is and what is not art. It's not for one person to say what is and what is not. It's for that one person to decide on what they think not what everyone thinks.
Hi, me again.
Heh, "make assumptions". Ever heard of circumstantial evidence before? All we've done is use the known to form conclusions about the unknown, which I can assume you of all people to have done right here. You assume we "fly off the handle", though you really have no evidence, circumstantial or otherwise, to rightfully say that we've lost our tempers or go overboard. And yes, we may twist things to suit us, e.g. those screw caps on bottles, but with you at least, we don't even have to.
Also, your actions contradict your point here. You say that "some random lines across a canvas that someone painted, that looks like something I did in preschool" is not art, but what you did was use a program with pre-made shapes, colours, effects etc to piece together a picturee that could have, to be honest, be done by any existence that could press buttons and work a mouse, IMO.
While I can agree with the fact that art is subjective, you mean to use some unknown 'worse examples of "Art"' in order to try to give rise to your point. Since we don't know exactly what you personally would call "Art", and because you have said that "[e]veryone has there[sic] own taste of what is and what is not art", how are we supposed to know whether it is good or not, or even art in our opinions? You assume that we have the same views as you, which can't be possible due to opinions being "for that one person to decide on what they think not what everyone thinks."
Sure, we can tell the difference between fact and fiction. What we can see for a fact is that you are bashing art, implying that you have the credentials to bash art, and brushing those credentials off to suggest modesty for your own self-aggrandisement and attempt to validate your argument.
tl;dr Penis.