GSDAkatsuki wrote...
K-A wrote...
GSDAkatsuki wrote...
Mr. Bushido wrote...
GSDAkatsuki wrote...
Temcor wrote...
Like Shinichi said, the combination of pilot and its mecha that makes it overpowered. On the side note I'm not a fan of Strike Freedom design.
And to correct the misconception of 00 Raiser being overpowered, the 00 raiser has time limits when in trans-ams mode and if you shoot/damage the raiser it might lost its ability to perform its crazy trans-am maneuver. Unless it could goes trans-ams for an unlimited amount of time then its over-powered...
That's why it needs to be nuclear powered.
No that would just kill it. 00 is better off w/o nuclear engine. As much as I like to see 00 get stronger, If I see another Strike Freedom, I'm going to scream. :x
I'm just saying that Nuclear engine would allow it to go trans-am for as long as Setsuna likes . . . until he finds out being in trans-am gives him cancer from the large amount of radiation.
we dont need another Nuked Up Gundam (--) one stupidly over powered Mech is Enough already, pretty much the only thing that makes the 00 godly is the 0 Riser take it off the equation and setsuna is toast
Nothing is ever overpowered.
Dude, SF was never touched. That alone signifies that it is overpowered. What I mean by never touched, I meant that it never lost any limbs, never got his beam rifles destroyed, or his dragoons. No one even got a successful shot on him. If you look at the previous protagonist Gundams, they all lost something.
i.e. Gundam was totaled by the Zeong. ZZ Gundam was reduced to a core fighter, Wing Zero was destroyed in EW. Exia got done by the GN Flag and Ahead, and 00 got beat by Garazzo w/o 0-Raiser. You might say 00-Riser is overpowered but it's Trans-Am and Trans-Am Riser is still on time limit. Like what Temcor said, if it's Trans-Am could last forever, then it's overpowered. But even so, Masurao can still fight on par with 00-Riser, and it's not even equipped with a real GN Drive let alone a real Trans-Am system.