Tsurayu wrote...
Yay for random mood to create topics!
Anyway, have a slight fever and headache so I went to take a couple of pain relievers and it made me remember that I have a horrible time with swallowing pills.
I mean I can swallow them now, and even swallow two at a time, but up until I was probably about thirteen my parents would have to crush my pills because I just wouldn't swallow them because I would always nearly choke the few times I tried.
My mother used to give me this story about how when she was little she didn't like to swallow pills either. One time she was deathly ill and she had to take this pill, which she claimed to be about the size of a nickel, or she was going to die. Ah leave it to mothers to try and scare you into submission with stories like that.
Anyway, eventually got over that, but even now I sometimes have to try swallowing a couple of times to get the pills to go down or drink and absorbant amount of water. I do think it is getting easier over the years, but still a bit annoying and perhaps embarrassing.
Anyone else have trouble taking pills or other medicine for one reason or another?
I still have a terrible time swallowing pills. I can manage to take my birth control without a drink (they're super tiny) but even then sometimes I need a drink for them.
I think it's the taste that makes me hate it. I can't stand the taste of medicine. Often if I have to swallow a pill I'll drink it with milk.