There are three cores to a person’s whole, the physical the mental and the spiritual. I try to live my life by these three principles. For a healthy you, you must keep your body in shape, your mind in check and your spirituality in balance.
How do you accomplish this?
The physical self, is possibly the easiest of all to maintain, keep to a healthy diet and exercise. For those of you who guzzle Mountain Dew and munch down Chips and snack cakes while sitting behind a computer screen or a bowl of instant ramen/cup noodles. A Healthy diet works out a balance of carb’s, mineral’s, protean, and vitamins; and exercise is what people do when they have respect for their bodies, by moving around to keep it in shape.
The mental self, is a tricky one at the most but rather simple, just work at keeping you thinking of how to solve complexities in everyday life, to keep you mentally challenged. Never let your mind grow dull, keep it keen and clear.
The Spiritual self, the hardest of all to jeep, for everyone has their own spirituality, and before some atheist comes in here I’m not talking religion. Your spirituality is what you believe, what you see as the truth. With what we believe to be right ever changing it’s hard to find the truth amidst a sea of lies. Just take a few minutes each day to think and ponder at the thoughts that have you down. Let your body speak for you not the other way around. I find this is best to do when you have a chance to have some peace, away from the outside world. Most of the time it happens to be in the middle of the night for me.
But I’m interested in what you have to say yourselves.
Physical: I go to /fit/ and roll over 9000 times
Mental: Yes I am
Spiritual: I believe that Jesus was born to a prostitute in the slums of Ireland. He spent all his time studying Judaism so he could become a succesful money-grubbing theif/investment banker. At one point in his life, he went to the end of a rainbow and found a hueg stash of jew gold. This jew gold was enough to satisify any man for life, but he kept trying to make more money after that (being a money-grubbing jew). At one point he cheated an old man out of his only friend, a horse named 'Stallion'. From him, Jesus learned that your resistance only makes his penis stronger, and he practiced this as much as possible. He and Stallion then rode from village to village, raping wenches and pillaging cottages. At one point some Roman got pissed and decided that he would nail Jesus to a cross, leaving only one hand free. The Roman then gave Jesus a cell phone, and if Jesus didn't answer whenever the Roman called he would be flogged. After two days of Roman constantly calling Jesus and asking him if he wanted to go bowling or go see some big american teetees, Jesus finally died. Some grave robbers then decided to loot Jesus' grave in hopes of finding jew gold, but there was none. When they tried to put the stone that was blocking grave back, but they discovered it wouldn't budge. One of the grave robbers then dressed up as Jesus and told some bitches that a pally came by and rezed him, to which they all said 'K', except for one of them who commented on how the pally's bubble shield wad OP.
Anyways, even if I do eat ramen/cup noodles, which I do once in a while and w/e else
Or watch Hentai, or w/e else
or do workout
I feel healthy as I am, and good as I am, (Dun't worry to those who read this and think.. damn, theres a 400 pound guy behind this screen typin up some crap, I'm healthy and athletic and live a life without a screen)
I'll easily pass any of those ^^
I can follow what you're saying Oriens, but I dont think the Spiritual part is the hardest part to control.
People can easily believe in anything they want to, be it religion or a way of life. It's easy to follow that path, and so pretty much everyone can and will do it.
I think that the mental part is the most complex core to uphold. People are generally hardworking, but will (at their base instinct) take the easiest way towards whatever they are after. I personally have a lot of trouble in trying to challenge myself; bottom line, it's hard! However, after you go through life for a little bit you come to understand that the rewards for a challenge are more often than not more...well...rewarding. The difficult part after that is deciding when and how to challenge yourself.
And that's the key point; When should I challenge myself?
While I understand the concept you're talking about, I don't believe it really exists. It is impossible to separate the mind and body as concepts because however you define them both are constantly effecting each other. As for the spirit I would say this is hard to define as separate from the mind or body as well for pretty much the same reasons and also for the fact that the concept itself is so vague as to have no clear definition and as such can't be proven to be a separate thing.
But, I guess I'll play along since I know what you mean anyway.
Physically, I'd say I'm ok. Not great, not bad. I get some exercise but not as much as I would like, though in (weak) defense I have asthma and this makes proper lengthy exercise difficult.
Mentally, I'd say I was born with a better set of tools than most but have let them rust a little since I've yet to discover a satisfactory use for them.
Spiritually, I think I'm at the perfect place. I have what a believe in in general but impose no strict rules on myself that would prevent me from being open minded. My beliefs are no fully focused but it would be silly to be considering what I believe in. I believe in chaos. Not as in going out and ruining things to impose disorder as that would really just be an order of disorder. I believe in change for the better or at least to prevent stagnation. Also I accept that all things good or bad are temporary and while I may strive to keep the good things I will not be distraught when they pass.
Why would you -rep this man can't you all tell he's a genius.
I kind of see it as you are being negative repped for acting like an idiot in a topic of somewhat meaningful and serious discussion, but I do see your ideals sex is great exercise, and so forth but then the rest of it just goes down the drain, with what you are sprouting off. The Government lying to us is nothing new. Learn to accept it and go on with your life, like the rest of us.
It could also stem from the fact that you are calling all women "Bitches" and use of the term "nigga(s)" or the simple fact that it seems that you can not make a post with out using CAPS LOCK. Though this is just my general observation I have no idea who you are nor do I care. I am just calling it as I see it.