SiC wrote...
In my opinion in the ultimate let down is when you are about to have sex with a guy with a large cock and balls. Why do I believe this you ask?
In my experience every time I come across a guy with natural large cock (as in 8+ inches) it just isn't up to expectations. Unlike the smaller ones that remain perfectly hard and perky as if they defy gravity. The length of the larger ones pulls them down and makes them hard to swallow. Another thing that saddens me about the larger cock is that blue vein that appears on most of them.
Everyone puts too much emphasis on large or unnatural cocks. I think the idea of "perfect" should be in the 2 to 4 inch range. They are large enough to play with, fuck, even suck while at the same time not being misshapen by their length. With all the men I've slept with I believe my favorite cock was a 3 1/2 inch rod. He was hard yet, flexible and just big enough for play with. An ex of mine had 12 inches and to be only looked good when he was on his back. Otherwise it just hung there like some droopy water hose. Another sad thing about those large cocks is that when they get older it'll be like a wrinkled elephant trunk when it comes to droopage unlike the smaller ones.
Agreed. And in all honestly, when i see a guy with a dick too big, i just cross my legs in
absolute fear.
I like a guy whos not going to make me gag when i down on him, all i ask ^_^
I like boobs at D....My girlfriends are all D's....JEALOUS!!