Waar wrote...
If his only reasoning for dating her is her tits then he doesn't deserve to date her in the first place shagg, you of all people should not be judging a girl based solely on her looks and you know it. It's alright to not date a girl based on her looks because you cant date someone you are physically not attracted to but to ask someone not to do something to their own body because of selfish reasoning is not, how do you not see that? No one said he should stay with her because the rest of us don't have one, who's ass did you pull that out of? I'm simply saying you should cherish her no matter what she does, even if it leads to breaking up with her, because some of us aren't that lucky. You implied that he would not be able to stay with her if it was done, that due to some other possible situation (facial disfigurement) he may not be able to continue his relationship. Sure it's not the worst thing a human being has said on this site but it's pretty fucking selfish and as for what he should do: he should remove the douche from his ass and man up a bit; no one is perfect so deal with it.
p.s. you need to stop putting words in my mouth, really invalidates your arguments.
Kind of bad to complain about me putting words in your mouth when you put words in Scion's mouth first. (Saying that he's going to end the relationship because of her getting her breasts reduced, which he never said at all.)
Anyways, my only argument is that this guy isn't the next Hitler for not wanting his girlfriend to get a breast reduction. (I'm using a hyperbole, just so it's clear.) Everybody's acting like he's an asshole, but I'd be upset if my girlfriend had big tits and wanted to get rid of them. I probably wouldn't be as dramatic as Scion's post was, but, as I've already pointed out, that could have been intentional exaggeration for the sake of humor.
Also, as I've already said, we don't know the full story. He could have started dating her solely for her big boobs. Is that horrible? No. I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't date an incredibly hot girl if she wanted to be with me, even if we had almost nothing in common. But even if she has other qualities that he likes, even if they are soulmates (as if such things even exist), Scion is only saying that he is
sad that she wants to decrease the size of her breasts. What's so wrong with that? He wants to know if it is possible to change her mind. That suggests that she hasn't been complaining for the past five years about her huge tits and how much trouble they are. In fact, he even says that they don't cause her discomfort and that she likes them. Her wanting to get them reduced comes out of left field. When your partner suddenly says that they want to have surgery done, without any hint of desire in the past, you're going to be thrown off balance, right?
Maybe I'm not taking this seriously enough, but it's a guy saying in Random that his girl wants to get breast reduction surgery, and he's upset by it. The guy uses a lot of caps lock in the thread, and he even ends with what seems like a joke. There's no reason to assume that the guy is saying that he believes that no woman should ever get breast reduction surgery. There's no reason to assume that he is going to break up with his girlfriend if she gets the surgery. There's not even any reason to assume that he is going to fight tooth and nail against his girlfriend to try to change her mind. So why call him an asshole and douche and whatever other names people threw out? Aren't we all entitled to complain at least a little if our partner wants to do something that we don't want? Or should people jump all over my ass if I don't want my girlfriend to get her nipple pierced or have a big butterfly tattooed on her back? (Granted, those aren't the best comparisons, since breast reduction actually has benefits, but it's the same idea - can the boy/girlfriend say anything if the other person wants to alter his/her body in some way?)