I saw the movie last night, and I really enjoyed it. It was much better than the first one, particularly because this movie actually seemed to be about giant robots beating the shit out of each other, instead of being about humans doing shit with giant robots in the background.
On a slightly different subject:
Although Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a major success at the box office, not everyone who is seeing the film is happy about it. There has been a argument growing that Director Michael Bay’s portrayal of the two jive-talking Chevy twin robots are racial caricatures and offensive.
Skids and Mudflap are two twin robots disguised as compact hatchbacks who are constantly fighting and who use “rap-inspired street slang” according to THR. One has a gold tooth and when pressed by Shia LaBeouf, they both tell him that they don’t know how to read.
Some viewers are calling the twins “outrageous” and “degrading” while others are saying “They were hilarious.”
When asked about the robots Bay said, “It’s done in fun. I don’t know if it’s stereotypes — they are robots, by the way.”
Are there racist robots in the Transformers sequel? I heard about this a couple of days ago, and I thought it was people being overly sensitive. But once I saw the two robots in the movie, I changed my mind. They
are racist stereotypes, and it is inappropriate. I'm not exceedingly pissed, but it does annoy me a great deal. I thought we were sophisticated enough as a society that we didn't have to make use of stereotypes to get laughs. Then again, I also thought that there wouldn't be a joke about a robot having balls in a PG-13 rated movie.
I really liked the movie, but I facepalm'd every time the twins were on screen (which was, unfortunately, a lot).