Waar wrote...
i wasn't placing them in order, and tbh i do fap every day, multiple times a day mostly.
Same, I could easily go 2-3 times a day. Though lack of privacy stops sometimes. But I almost always do it at least once a day. Normal times for me is when I wake up (if not having to wake up for anything) and before I go to sleep.
I wake up, eat breakfast either sit on my ass for a few hours, if work clean up and get ready, I take the bus to work.
During school you can usually find my nose in a book somewhere.
I eat occasionally.
My social life pretty much dissipated a while ago when I moved 4 times.
I'll go out with my one friend occasionally, but I chill more often at my older friends house.
Sometimes I'll meditate and exercise. But that's been low on the list lately.
I've been going on the IRC often. Talking to senpai ;p lol
I chat a lot, Ramsus has figured this out