tsuyoshiro wrote...
Dante1214 wrote...
tsuyoshiro wrote...
Gin Katana wrote...
Dante1214 wrote...
tsuyoshiro wrote...
Dante1214 wrote...
tsuyoshiro wrote...
Swords and knives.
I have a collection of these as well.
I just didn't mention it because I've been too poor to buy any in a long time.
But I AM prepared for the zombie Apocalypse.
I'm +reping you, since you have weapons for the same reason that I do.
Right on. No such thing as being TOO prepared.
I guess my collection is swords and my Gungrave and Hellsing
Have you guys decided whats the best place to take refuge when there's a zombie apocalypse
Take refuge? Screw that, gotta keep on the move when Zombies are about. Those little bastards will eventually get into any fortified structure, no matter how safe you may think it is.
True that.
A lot of people think a mall is a good idea for some reason, but I don't think so at all.
A place like Wal-Mart would be great if it wasn't a 24 hour place. If there was noone in, you could get in and have supplies for a long time, and it would be relatively easy to defend.
But you are right, the best way to handle it is to be on the move.
You could put together a caravan, you know, strength in numbers, but that might slow you down a bit. On the other hand, by yourself you'd be more vulnerable, in general.
The best response would also depend a bit on the type of zombies, you see.
But that's another issue.
Oh very true, since zombies come in all forms, don't they? You have your slow shambly type with the powerful grip, which are probably the easiest to deal with. Unfortunately, there are also the ravenous, almost ghoul-like ones that are quick like feral animals. You can't hide from those too well, and running just means you'll die tired. The worst ones are the zombies able to use tools. Maybe if you manage to get onto a Boat stocked with supplies and just hang out at sea...don't think I've ever seen zombies swim before...
I'm sorry, we kinda zombie-jacked this thread. Please, continue about things you collect.
The way I see it, it's all in how the zombies came to be zombies. If you want to be slightly realistic about the whole thing, and it happened by something like a virus, then their ability to move would be determined by the state of their muscles when infected. If it caused dead brains to be restarted on the most basic level, then however much decomposition had occurred would result in how much they could move. If it infected people who were living, then they would have the same movement capabilities they had alive. Either way, their ability to move would decrease with time.
If it was some type of necromancy or spiritual world thing, then their movement wouldn't be restricted at all, because they would be animated by an outside force anyway.
Really, there are many other scenarios to consider, these are just two major ones.
But it would be easiest to handle the slow moving ones, obviously.
The most difficult would be the ones capable of learning, like you said. Also if they did not decompose as a normal dead body would and coudl be active indefinitely.
Maybe this should have it's own topic?
It does: