hermitVI wrote...
A piece of advice: Follow a good "role-model" - Not exactly to imitate the things that he does but just as a fellow user whom you could base proper judgment onto. (just make sure you wouldn't pick the theotaku) :lol: "seriously!"
As long as you could provide/initiate or add something relevant into a meaningful discussion/topic, as far as I'm concerned, that should be good enough. 8)
I don't know if I ever found a good role-model on here. I know I've seen several people I really enjoyed their posts though.
I can think of some bad role-models though. :roll:
There's nothing really special about being a senior or anything. Just some people feel they have a big e-penis and it deserves respect, and you can ignore those people.
As long as you do what's already been posted with respect, non spam threads/posts in areas that it's not designated for, and being yourself - you're all set.