A very simple question. What makes a man a man? What makes you a man?
Is it your thingy, what if it gets cut off by accident? Is it your interest in making love to women? Is it your biological body, is it your head? What really?
Just thought id ask it here since this place is obviously overflowing with men... so, what do you think?
How I act, move, view things, handle situations and look I guess. Though the only real things that set men and women apart are anatomy and upbringing. At least That's what I think.
It depends on what you consider being a man physically and mentally.
mentally, there really isn't anything "thought process" that one must follow in order to be considered a man. Everyone has different tastes and personalities (i.e. homosexual, straight, shy, social, etc.) thus I do not believe that one's mental appearance has anything to do with being a man or not.
Anatomically however, even if you lose your only reproductive organ, your genetic makeup would still define your gender, so if you're born a man, you are a man.
Sure there is also the question on whether or not a person will still be labelled their original gender on the inside if they go through a gender change (like if a woman became a man, would she really be considered a man?), but I don't feel like going to far into that subject.
Joking aside, true men are hard boiled.
They are men who silently defend the weak, people who fight to the very end, they wouldn't flinch to any number of enemies they're facing and an honorable warrior who protects his comrades. Man among men.
This is all the things that I believe makes up a man. please dont make fun of me for it.
1.never surcomes to anger
2.protects his honor as well as those close to them
3.never breaks a promise
4.never lies for his own personal gain
5.learns to deal with pain wearing a smile
6.keeps his achevments silent
7.has a penis
A man is born a man. It cannot be changed. It's on record, people know the original you, even if you go to a new place the past is still with you. It's history.
I deliberately posted it here so everyone can just join in and not feel intimidated I guess. I wasnt thinking of questioning peoples opinion anyway, I just wanted to hear them out whatever they are. Besides I guess its em just a simple question eh? I mean in the sense that... you are men arent you, most if not all your life, so youd ... well have an idea right
When you walk into the girls bathroom and they call the cops.
...hahaha... yes i agree... at one moment i almost actually walked into the girls bathroom... ahahaha... no one was around... but i was still emberassed... hahaha...