Another one of my favorite series of films, the DIE HARD franchise is a series of great action films, all of which star Bruce Willis as police officer "John Mcclane".
DIE HARD 2: Die harder
DIE HARD: With a vengeance (DIE HARD 3)
Live free or DIE HARD (DIE HARD 4)
Personally, out of the 4, my favorite would have to be the 3rd. I think that out of all the villains, he was the smartest. I loved how he made Mcclane run around town, ordering him to do whatever it was he oredered, otherwise he'd set off a bomb. That, and the chemistry between Samuel.L.Jackson and Bruce was hilarious. The first one would be my second favorite, mostly because of Alan Rickman. He's an awesome actor and I love the majority of the movies he's in. The 4th one had the best action sequences, by far, mostly due to the fact that it was made in 2007 and with today's technologie and CG capabilities.
The second DIE HARD movie wasn't bad, but it just isn't as memorable to me as the others were.
How about you guys?