elfen lied wrote...
crazy_old_man_on_the_hill wrote...
elfen lied wrote...
im too single for my own good last GF appart from cheatin on me said i was too nice could someone explain please
In my experience, it means you're way too accommodating.
slow day for me today what do you mean by "accomodating"?
You give in too easy, let them walk all over you, and basically just let them do whatever they want without giving your own opinion or putting up a fight. Acting like a martyr and giving in every time to a woman seems like what you should do at first, if you're an inheriently nice guy (I made the same exact mistake in my first relationship). The problem is that they get used to it, and start to take it for granted, and get bored with it. But by then it's too late to try to step up and make them see you as an adult and respect your wishes, and you're pretty much screwed for the duration of the relationship.
Giving in all the time to what they want, because you think that's what you should do for someone you love, is NOT what will make a healthy long-lasting relationship. You need to make sure they respect you, and your wants/needs, otherwise they will stop putting work into the relationship, and eventually get bored and move on. In other words, make them respect you as an equal, and do it by voicing your needs, and giving them a chance to please you as well, instead of just working so hard to please them.