Kallen wrote...
I am in my single and never want to be in a relationship again. I am very shy around guys who arent my close friends. Well I met this guy who was so sweet and fell in love with him. But after the first month he changed completely I guess because he realized how much I cared for him or somthing. Anyways then he became a complete ass to me and didnt treat me right and so I wanted to break up with him but everytime he did somthing wrong he knew how to change it around to make me feel like it was my fault and make me feel bad so I couldnt leave him and I was scared to leave him. So I was miserable and with him for more then 3 years. Then he beat me up and finaly I knew what I had todo to leave him and so I left him without letting him know changed my phone number and everything and moved in with my brother. Him and my dad made the deal that I could stay with them and not have to pay rent or anything but I have to be going to school or working full time. Which is more then a fair deal to me sence I was already doing both.
But the moral of the story is its been over a year now and I am way to afraid now togo out with anyone so I just stay single and have fun surfing and stuff like that.
Is it wrong that the first thing that came to mind was, "Probably shouldn't have left the kitchen?"
I think it is.
But the NEXT thing that comes to mind is that you probably should have gotten out of that relationship sooner.
But you also shouldn't let it ruin you for life. If you genuinely just don't want to be in a relationship ever again, whatever, it's your choice, but don't let some asshole fuck up your life.