ya know.... i think it WILL come out BUT(!) will only begin experimentation and development mainly for the use of building colonies in like mars (sorry about this but i think earth is REALLY getting overpopulated due to peace).
that way, development of colonies will begin, marking newer generation mechs that will take over those worker mechs and inciting the beginning of the development of attack mechs... (reasoning: mechs will be necessary to build large buildings in short amount of time. workload decreases and output increases)
amadorhi wrote...
Oh god, fusion generator debri. Id hate to be the pilot being on the look out for downed mechs. Either way, once the robot junkies of today get a perfected android, mechs are the next evolution. Eventually it'll happen. Just won't until we all unite the world under one nation or else we'll have died from not uniting before the next genocide by war.
this will be nearly impossible and considered impossible. what would you name the new nation? how will it fit with the rest of the previous nations that they can accept it? what language will be our main language? how can we have a nation with omni-races and not have war(sorry, i really need to ask this, living in Malaysia but i have a bit of racism in me)? will the nation share their resources to the needy (think of afgha or africa) ?
and these are just the tip of the iceberg...