Mine worries still remain, Sweet Heart! Just, had too many darlings get taken advantage from old men... Don't understand why in the FIRST PLACE you weren't wary of visiting him in a disclosed location.. with just you et him in his space. Evermore, if he was good to you et sorts. Once, you give your permission to have what ish all his, don't you worry he may take you to your word? Meeeeer, mine worries are of a sweet young girl's heart becoming broken from such advances. Eshi, once more, remains herself very wary of your situation et in that gives you most GOOD LUCK, in such the matter.
Please, learn some respect on the guy's end, nevertheless. Okies? ET! Just because you've known him for a few weeks tells nothing of What/Who/Where/How of this guy. Never think to trust anyone, that just Blasphemy, Woman! You must protect yourself on any matter that pretells the expectant turns et twirls of this earth.. I love what ish wrong in life, this means I understand the danger -Buh! Doesn't mean Eshi always finds herself mapped in any situation that can't have an escape plan. Mewhs! Make note, et protect yourself at all times..
Et! Please, never let meh hear you trust anyone, especially an somewhat gentleman! They have swords, we are the key to their happiness... Meeeeh, Meeeerrr ~ We can only hurt them if we have the weapon to do sew. Do you even, if I may ask, know how to protect yourself on the situation someone enables an attack on you? -Never trust any situation! People are attacked in mid-daylight infront of groups of people who just watch et stare moments as time passes as this person ish torn from limb to limb..
Maybe, just being over protecting over one who obviously doesn't notice various reference to common sense in life, buh just can't stand to listen, hear, or watch the means of someone's heart being challenged in life. Beh very wary et trust non one.... buh glad that you have happiness with this unknown fellow. Apologies, for such the lecher.... Le Sighs!